Sweden offers top-ranked universities, innovative research opportunities, and a commitment to sustainability. With IGC’s support, Bangladeshi students can seamlessly navigate the admission, visa, and scholarship processes. Enjoy a multicultural environment and strong career prospects in Sweden’s thriving industries. Let IGC help you achieve academic success and unlock endless opportunities in Sweden.
Sweden offers a safe, sustainable lifestyle with a strong focus on innovation and equality. Students enjoy a vibrant cultural scene, excellent public services, and access to beautiful natural landscapes, making Sweden ideal for both academic and personal growth.
International students in Sweden can work part-time during studies and access post-graduation work permits. Sweden’s booming industries, like technology, engineering, and design, provide excellent career opportunities and pathways to permanent residency.
Sweden offers scholarships like the Swedish Institute Scholarships and university-specific awards for international students. These cover tuition and living costs. IGC helps students secure scholarships, ensuring affordable access to quality education in Sweden
Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Edith Cowan University
Master of TESOL and Applied Linguistics
University of Technology Sydney
Master of Good Manufacturing Practice
University of Technology Sydney
Bachelor of Business
Master of Professional Engineering
Curtin University
Bachelor of Information Technology
Master of Information Technology
University of Technology Sydney
Diploma of Information Technology
UTS College
Master of Administrative Science - Computer Security and Forensic Administration
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Software Engineering Technician
Centennial College
Bachelor of Science - Software Systems Development (Optional Co-op)
University of Regina
Culture, Communication & Globalization
Aalborg University
Mechanical Engineering / Manufacturing Technology (
Aalborg University
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
University of South Wale
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Data Science and Innovation
University of Technology Sydney
Master of Science - Computational Sciences
Laurentian University
Master of TESOL and Applied Linguistics
University of Technology Sydney
Bachelor of Business
bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Engineering
সুইডেন, ইউরোপের অন্যতম উন্নত দেশ, যা তার শান্তিপূর্ণ পরিবেশ, উচ্চমানের শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থা এবং বৈচিত্র্যময় সুযোগের জন্য বিখ্যাত। বিশেষ করে বাংলাদেশি শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য, এই দেশটি হতে পারে একটি আদর্শ গন্তব্য। প্রায় ১০.৫ মিলিয়ন জনসংখ্যার এই দেশটি জনসংখ্যার ঘনত্বের দিক থেকে অনেকটাই কম। ফলে এখানে জীবনযাত্রার মান উন্নত এবং কম জনবহুল পরিবেশে শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে থাকা সম্ভব।
Higher Study Abroad In Bangladesh Is An Exciting And Rewarding Journey. With Top Universities, Global Exposure, And Excellent Career Prospects, Studying Abroad Allows Students To Develop Academically, Personally, And Professionally. Whether You're Considering The US, UK, Canada, Australia, Or Europe This Guide Offers Essential Insights To Help You